Suri cruise looked adorable walking down Newbury St yesterday afternoon!
She must have been in a Babar mood as she and her stuffed friend, Queen Celeste, wore matching pink shirts and her frilly layered skirt featured a Babar print!
As for accessories silver peep toe heels and a silver clam shell purse completed her look!
I’ve walked Newbury St in heels and it isn’t comfortable! But maybe if I had started training at age four it wouldn’t be so bad!
Mom Katie Holmes was also there, looking every inch the young Back Bay mother, don’t you think?
How cute is Suri? I would love to see them strolling around!
Suri must be the cutest celeb kid ever! I hope she stays that way when she grows up. 🙂
Ohmigosh! She looks so grown up! I absolutely adore her! 🙂
Suri is so cute! and she's wearing higher heels than her mom. fashionista in training.