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NYFW FALL 2011: PETER SOM - Bostonista
Well, the only good thing about February has started- NYFW!
And I absolutely guarantee that this will be the last one that I’m watching from home!
Anyway, on to the shows!
Peter Som streamed the elegant uptown/downtown show live from the MAC & Milk website.
This was an elevated, more adult Peter Som but the messy updos and metallic lips kept things relatively cool.
Luxury with an edge- and isn’t that the best kind?
My only complaint stems with the suits. While I adored the popping colors I wasn’t a fan of the exaggerated waists. The length of the skirts didn’t help the shape any either. Anyway, if it looks strange on a model it isn’t going to work in real life- even in New York!
(Thanks to Style.Com and WWD.Com for the photos!)


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