I love a good life hack, don’t you? I never actually use them but I always save those Buzzfeed articles. Just in case! Of course, I love anything that lets me stay in bed for an extra five or twenty minutes. So, unlike life hacks, beauty hacks are actually pretty relevant to my life.  If you find yourself in a pinch, or just perpetually forty minutes late, try out some of my  favorite beauty hacks and let me know your favorites in the comments!

1. Lose dark circles fast

I’ve officially reached the age where I’m constantly aware of my under eyes. Do I look old? Tired? Tired and old? Probably. I was a little skeptical when I read about a topical bruise reliever that supposedly erases puffy, dark circles. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists often recommend that patients use the cream before and after surgery to lessen swelling. I know it sounds crazy, but I mix a little bit of the gel with my eye cream in the morning and in five minutes, I look visibly more awake. Plus, a tube is under $10 and lasts forever. Just be careful not to get any in your eyes and if you have sensitive skin- spot test first!! A lot of popular skincare brands have even started incorporating arnica into their product formulas!

2. Boost perfume staying power with lotion

Speaking of lotion, I use an unscented formula to help my perfumes last all day. It’s a pet peeve of mine when my perfume disappears by noon, and over applying is just rude to everyone around you. Dry skin typically doesn’t like to absorb anything so I apply unscented lotion, like , to key fragrance spots like pulse points and inner elbows first. Spritzed right on top, perfume sticks to the lotion so it lasts longer. Also, fight the instinct to rub your wrists together after applying!

3. Use shampoo as a bubble bath

No Lush bubble bar? No problem! In a pinch, shampoo makes a surprisingly frothy bath! For me, there is nothing like some candles, a book, and the tub for decompressing after a particularly anxious day. Of course, having quite a few of those anxious days means I go through a lot of bath products quickly, so sometimes shampoo is my only option. Run the water until the tub is filled about an inch, then squeeze/pour the shampoo directly under the faucet for bubbles galore. From personal experience, this even works with sulfate-free shampoos. Just remember that shampoo is typically very drying, so cut bathtime in half and use a body lotion on your skin immediately after rinsing off.

4.  A damp sponge is a better sponge

My mind was blown when I read that the is actually designed to be used damp. Now when I do a full face of makeup, I always mist my sponges with a setting spray like after running it under cool tap water.  This helps foundation and concealer go on way smoother so it’s less likely to crease or get flaky as the day goes on.  It really helps makeup layers melt into one another.

5. Quick fix for a broken nail

I was dumb and tried to peel off my old gel polish a few weeks ago and ended up peeling off half of my nail. Damn, that burns. And it looks awful. This is an old-fashioned quick fix that my nana taught me when I was 13: once you stop screaming, grab a new tea bag, cut it and lay the fabric across the broken nail. Just add a top coat to seal it and let dry. It’s weird but it totally works and for some reason, the pressure relieves some of the burning pain.

What are your favorite beauty hacks?

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